Eid ul Fitr 2021 Prayer & Registration
Date: May 13, 2021 7:00 am Prayer Location: Kalamazoo Islamic Center, 1520 W. Michigan, Kalamazoo (REGISTER BELOW) 9:00 am Prayer Location: Kalamazoo Islamic School, 805 E. Osterhout Ave, Portage (NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED) 9:30 am Prayer Location: Kalamazoo Islamic School, 805 E. Osterhout Ave, Portage (NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED) The following rules will have to be followed […]
KIC 2021 Fundraiser (May 7)
The KIC fundraising campaign will be held in person at KIC and online via Zoom. The fundraiser will be held on Friday, May 7 from 9:45pm-10:45pm. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5787967135?pwd=N2RGdzNQM1g5MG16S21nU2dBdU1CUT09 Meeting ID: 578 796 7135 Passcode: 070683 CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE ONLINE PLEDGE FORM IF YOU PREFER TO COMPLETE THE PRINT VERSION THEN CLICK HERE […]
Eid Al Fitr 2021 Announcement
Asalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters. Based on the last board meeting, the board has decided the following: -EID InshaAllah will be either Wednesday May 12 or Thursday May 13. -Eid prayer will be offered in 3 time slots in an effort to reduce crowds.-Times will start promptly First time slot:7:00 am at KIC (1520 W. […]
First of Ramadan, Tuesday 4-13-21
Assalamualaikum. Dear KIC community, The moon was sighted by a group of 15+ individuals in San Diego, CA. The Chicago Hilal committee directly spoke with a representative from among them and has accepted their sighting. Therefore, the 1st of Ramadan, 1442 will be Tuesday, April 13th inshaAllah. Ramadan Mubarak!
Ramadan 1442 / 2021
Asalamualeikum, Ramadan mubarak to all. As per our discussion at our last board meeting, this is the plan and arrangement for Ramadan 1442/2021: -Announcing Ramadan will be based on moon sighting, as per usual. – No community Iftar will be held at KIC. Preplanned “to go boxes” are okay to distribute at the parking lot […]