

KIC Fundraiser 2022

The KIC Fundraiser will start tonight after Maghrib salah at the masjid. You will also have the opportunity to join virtually if you cannot make it in person. You can donate in person or on the website by CLICKING HERE. CLICK HERE to join the fundraiser using zoom.


Eid AL-Adha 2021 Prayer Announcement

Asalamualeikum dear brothers and sisters. -Eid ul-adha (10th of Thul Hujjah) will be on Tuesday July 20th -Salat al Eid will be held at both KIC and KIS KIC at 7:00 amKIS at 9:00 am Each location will be followed by an in person short khutba by Hafiz Nauman -please try to come with your […]


Eid ul Fitr 2021 Prayer & Registration

Date: May 13, 2021 7:00 am Prayer Location: Kalamazoo Islamic Center, 1520 W. Michigan, Kalamazoo (REGISTER BELOW) 9:00 am Prayer Location: Kalamazoo Islamic School, 805 E. Osterhout Ave, Portage (NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED) 9:30 am Prayer Location: Kalamazoo Islamic School, 805 E. Osterhout Ave, Portage (NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED) The following rules will have to be followed […]


KIC 2021 Fundraiser (May 7)

The KIC fundraising campaign will be held in person at KIC and online via Zoom. The fundraiser will be held on Friday, May 7 from 9:45pm-10:45pm. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 578 796 7135 Passcode: 070683 CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE ONLINE PLEDGE FORM IF YOU PREFER TO COMPLETE THE PRINT VERSION THEN CLICK HERE […]


Eid Al Fitr 2021 Announcement

Asalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters. Based on the last board meeting, the board has decided the following: -EID InshaAllah will be either Wednesday May 12 or Thursday May 13. -Eid prayer will be offered in 3 time slots in an effort to reduce crowds.-Times will start promptly First time slot:7:00 am at KIC (1520 W. […]


First of Ramadan, Tuesday 4-13-21

Assalamualaikum. Dear KIC community, The moon was sighted by a group of 15+ individuals in San Diego, CA. The Chicago Hilal committee directly spoke with a representative from among them and has accepted their sighting. Therefore, the 1st of Ramadan, 1442 will be Tuesday, April 13th inshaAllah. Ramadan Mubarak!


Ramadan 1442 / 2021

Asalamualeikum, Ramadan mubarak to all.  As per our discussion at our last board meeting, this is the plan and arrangement for Ramadan 1442/2021: -Announcing Ramadan will be based on moon sighting, as per usual. – No community Iftar will be held at KIC. Preplanned “to go boxes” are okay to distribute at the parking lot […]

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