Ramadan 2024 Prayer Schedule

MarchKhateeb for Jummah @KICKhateeb for Jummah@ KISKhateeb for 2nd Jummah @ KIC
1:30 PM Khutbah2:30 PM Khutbah3:30 PM Khutbah
Ramadan, Friday, March 15, 2024Hafiz NaumanDr MohammadSaleh Saeed
Ramadan, Friday, March 22, 2024Hafiz NaumanDr Faisal AnsariHafiz Nauman
Ramadan, Friday, March 29, 2024Hafiz NaumanDr Tahir AlviSuhaib Ellythy
AprilKhateeb for Jummah @KICKhateeb for Jummah@ KISKhateeb for 2nd Jummah @ KIC
1:30 PM Khutbah2:30 PM Khutbah3:30 PM Khutbah
Ramadan, Friday, April 5, 2024Hafiz NaumanDr KarimFarhan Iqbal
April 10/11 – Eid al FitrFirst Eid Prayer at KIC, 7:15AM
Hafiz Nauman
Family Eid Prayer at KIS, 9:15AM
Hafiz Nauman

3 thoughts on “Ramadan 2024 Prayer Schedule

  1. Josh Collison says:

    My name is Josh Collison, and yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Hafiz for an energy audit at his new home.
    I am not interested in converting to Islam, but his loving heart and genuinity were very poignant, and I would love to be able to speak to him again while not having to discuss energy efficiency.
    I am wondering what your formal gathering times are, specifically for Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays, as those are my regular days off. If you could please let me know this information, I would be very appreciative.
    Happy Ramadan, and thank you in advance.

  2. Muhammad Ibrahim says:

    The masjid does a very good job by posting the prayer schedule for Kalamazoo and nearby kalamazoo

  3. Muhammad Ibrahim says:

    the ramadan is speacial and i am enjoying it (الحمدللّٰہ )

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