

Reconnect Conference on Oct 6

The Kalamazoo Muslim community gets a special discount for this year’s Reconnect Conference in Dearborn. The bus ride typically costs $40 to go to Dearbon and back to Kalamazoo and the Conference ticket price is $30 per person for early birds which would be a total cost of $70; but if you reserve NOW with […]


Mufti Kamani Dinner on Oct 5

Mufti Hussain Kamani will be visiting the Kalamazoo Islamic School on October 5th at 6:00pm to present a talk titled “Community Gems – A symbiotic relationship between the Individual and their Community” and host a fundraising dinner for the Kalamazoo Muslim Community. Tickets are $25 per person (13 and older) and $10 per child (12 […]


KIC Election Results 2019

The winners of the 2019 KIC Board of Trustees Election: Alhassan Mumini Faisal Mahmood Javed Warsi Mohammed Zafar Munzer Abdulhak Sharjeel Karim Tajammal (Taj) Hayat


Elections & Early Ballot Sept 17-20

The official Kalamazoo Islamic Center (KIC) Board of Trustees Election is on September 20, 2019 in KIC from after Jumu’ah and after Magrhib. However, for those who can not attend on Election Day, an Early Ballot is being offered. Early Ballot will be on Tuesday September 17 to Thursday September 19 at Kalamazoo Islamic Center […]


KIC Board Election Rules

The Election for the new Board of Trustees of the Kalamazoo Islamic Center will take place on September 20, 2019 from after Jumu’ah till after Maghrib. The results will be announced after Isha on the same day. The following are the rules:


Membership Form and Dues

You have to be a registered member to vote in the coming Board Elections on September 20, 2019. Please complete the Membership form online or drop the paper version in the donation box in Kalamazoo Islamic Center. Payment is not required to become a member but it is recommended. Kalamazoo Islamic Center has over $10,000 […]


Eid ul-Adha Prayer 2019

Eid ul-Adha will fall on Sunday, August 11, 2019. Eid Salah / Prayer Time:Takbeer 8:30amPrayer 9:00am Location:Kalamazoo Islamic School805 E. Osterhout StPortage, MI Khateeb: Hafiz Nauman Akbar Attractions after the Salah:Traditional Eid SnacksInflatables for Children Udhiya/Qurbani:Jeff Buckham’s Farm will not have any lamb on Sunday, August 11. He will have lamb available all day on […]

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