Masjid Re-opening & Jumu’ah Prayer

As you may know many restrictions have lifted and numbers of COVID-19 in MI has dropped significantly alhamdulilah.

KIC board of trustees met on June 6 and after careful consideration, has agreed to start the reopening process of our beloved masjid.

All 5 times regular prayers will be held at the Kalamazoo Islamic Center (KIC) Masjid.

Starting on Friday, June 19, Friday prayers will be held temporarily at Kalamazoo Islamic School (KIS) – 805 East Osterhout Portage, MI.
This was decided to help the community follow the social distancing recommendations and to accommodate more people safely.

PLEASE be considerate of others and do not come if you are feeling ill. Do not bring small children. Please wear a mask and bring your own prayer rug.

KIC is our masjid and all other prayers will be held at KIC as usual. Moving the Friday prayer is temporary to accommodate the larger gathering safely.

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