Eid Al Adha of 1445 Hijri will be on Sunday, June 16th 2024.
InshaAllah, there are going to be two Eid prayers in Kalamazooo:
First one will be at the Kalamazoo Islamic Center at 7:00 AM. The address is: 1520 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI
The main prayer will be at the Kalamazoo Islamic School at 9:15 AM. The address is: 805 E Osterhout Ave, Portage, MI (also known as MBIA – Mind Builders Islamic Academy).
For Eid prayer at KIS, please take Portage Street to come to Osterhout, and avoid Oakland or S Westnedge. This is to reduce the traffic jam. Please also come 30-45 mins earlier than the prayer time.

Please Follow directions from parking volunteers. There will be 2 entrances to KIS, one will be through the grass for those coming from Oakland direction. These cars will park on the grass and cannot drop people at the KIS entrance. If you want to drop elders or women at the entrance, please come through the Portage Street side. Please carpool if possible.
For those with kids, the bounce play area will be open from 8am if kids want to come early and play before the eid prayer. Play area will close at 9am and reopen after the prayer.
After prayer, do not start talking in the hallway. Khutbah is part of Eid prayer. Breakfast will be served only after khutbah is over.
If you have to leave immediately after prayer, please leave so quietly without disturbing others.
Eid Mubarak! Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum