

Application for Zakah 2022

If you would like a printable version of the Zakah Application (requires in-person submission inside KIC donation box) then please CLICK HERE to download and print the form. If you would like to complete and submit the form online then please proceed below – This method is recommended for the fastest submission. The following form […]


Ramadan Declaration

Assalamualaikum waRahmatullah,Dear Muslims of greater Kalamazoo and West Michigan, Alhamdulillah there are reports of crescent sighted in San Diego, CA. inshaAllah, we will start fasting Saturday, 2nd April. Therefore,1st of Ramadan 1443ah is Saturday. We will start Taraweeh (Qiyaam of Ramadan) inshaAllah, tonight and then continue tomorrow as well after Isha. Ramadan Mubarak!

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