

Eid ul Adha, Dhul Hijjah, & Udhiya

First day of Dhul Hijjah: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 First day of Eid ul Adha (10th day of Dhul Hijjah): Friday, July 31, 2020 Days of Udhiya (Qurbani/Sacrifice): July 31 till August 2nd.Due to COVID-19, this year KIC will not be directing any resources towards local sacrifice. Eid Prayer and Khutbah: Will be held on […]


Jumu’ah Reminder

-Friday prayer will be held at Kalamazoo Islamic School at 1:20 until further notice -Please make sure to come with wudu and with own mask and prayer rug -No young children -Plan on adding extra ten minutes for construction on Westnedge -Also a request from brother Robert Saleem to the Bilal Islamic Center members to […]


Masjid Re-opening & Jumu’ah Prayer

As you may know many restrictions have lifted and numbers of COVID-19 in MI has dropped significantly alhamdulilah. KIC board of trustees met on June 6 and after careful consideration, has agreed to start the reopening process of our beloved masjid. All 5 times regular prayers will be held at the Kalamazoo Islamic Center (KIC) […]


Eid Al Fitr Sat or Sun?

Eid Al-Fitr will be on Sunday May 24th, inshaAllah. We will complete 30 days of Ramadan, Alhamdulillah.


Eid Prayer Announcement

The day of Eid will either be on Saturday May 23 or Sunday May 24, inshaAllah. It will be decided for sure by Friday midnight and posted here. Stay tuned. Please read below regarding the Eid Prayer at KIC. Michigan law exempts places of Religious Worship from the stay at home order. According to Executive […]


Zakat ul Fitr (Fitrana)

Zakat ul Fitr is $12 per person this year. Zakat al-Fitr should be paid during Ramadan, before Eid al-Fitr prayers at the latest, so that the poor can enjoy the day of Eid. It should be paid for everyone in your household. You can pay online by CLICKING HERE. Or you can mail a check […]


Iftar Box RSVP

Asslamo alaikum everyone, We write this with hopes that you are staying safe and are taking full advantage of the quarantine for self-betterment this Ramadan. Please go through the following and spread the message around. It is times like these when our ummah needs to be closer together (not physically but emotionally) for the whole […]

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