Application for Zakah 2023
CLICK HERE to open the online Zakah application. If you would like a printable version of the Zakah Application (requires submission inside KIC donation box) then please CLICK HERE to download and print the form. Note: online submission is recommended. The above form is an application to receive Zakah for needy individuals/families. If you want to donate your […]
Ramadan 2023 Announcement
AssalamuAlaikum wa Rahmatullah, We had cloudy weather here in the county. There has been no sighting of the crescent locally and most places in the country the news is negative. We waited for the sunset in California which was 10:06pm EST. Moon was not sighted. InshaAllah, Ramadan 1st 1444 will be Thursday, March 23rdSha’ban will […]
Ramadan 2023 Iftar Signup
Use the link below to book for iftar sponsorship: Click here to Sign-up Please choose the day(s) you would like to sponsor iftar. If you would like to stay anonymous, please use a screen name accordingly (e.g. Sisters Group, ABC, etc.). Note: If you choose a family day, you agree to take the responsibility of cleaning […]
Islamic School Website Coming Soon
Dear Students and Families of the Kalamazoo Islamic School Sunday School, We are pleased to announce that our new website dedicated to the Sunday School program is currently under construction and will be available to you soon. Our team is working diligently to create an online platform that is both educational and interactive for our […]