

Eid Al Adha 2023 & 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

AssalamuAlaikum, Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah, InshaAllah Monday, June 19th, we will witness the First of DhulHijjah 1444 AH. Thus, we enter the best days of the entire year in which Allah SWT loves to be worshipped. Accordingly, Eid al Adha will be on Wednesday, June 28th. Revised Prayers schedule is below: Among these […]


KIC Founding Member Has Passed Away

Inna Lillahi wa Inna Elaihi Rajiuoon To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. We are posting this message with a very heavy heart. Dear Uncle Tajammal AKA Taj Hayat passed away 5/28/23 (28th May), Sunday at 8:50 PM InshAllah, we will be having his Funeral (Janazah) Prayer at the Masjid (KIC) on […]


Eid Al-Fitr Declaration & Timings

The new moon was sighted in Texas. Eid Al-Fitr will be on Friday, 4/21/2023. First prayer at 7:15am: Kalamazoo Islamic Center, 1520 W Michigan. Second prayer at 9:15am: Kalamazoo Islamic School, 805 E. Osterhout. There will be only one Jumu’ah Prayer at the Kalamazoo Islamic Center at 1:30pm and will conclude by 1:45pm. Meanwhile, please […]


KIC Fundraiser 2023

The KIC Fundraiser will start on Saturday, 15th April, after Maghrib salah at the masjid. You will also have the opportunity to join virtually if you cannot make it in person. You can donate in person or on the website by CLICKING HERE. The live broadcast starts on Saturday, 15th April at 9:30 PM. CLICK HERE to […]

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