

KIS Sunday School will be Online for 2020-21

Please CLICK HERE to register your child for regular Sunday School classes, from 11:00am to 2:00pm every Sunday.. Please CLICK HERE to register your child for the additional ARABIC CLASS, from 10:00am to 11:00am every Sunday. The KIS Sunday School will be shifting to online classes for the 2020-21 school year. It will also be […]


ADVISORY: Hate Group Protest Rally this Sat 8/15/20

Asalamualeikum dear brothers and sisters, We received a notification that the Alt right group called Proud Boys is holding a protest rally on Saturday, August 15, from approximately 12 noon to 6 pm at Arcadia Park in Downtown Kalamazoo.This group is reportedly against:All people of color, migrants, Muslims, Jews, women and few other entities. Reportedly ­after the […]


Friday (Jumu’ah) Prayer on July 31

Friday Prayer on Eid Day is optional if you attend the Eid prayer and khutbah, per Hafiz Nauman. Friday Prayer will be held at KIC (1520 W Michigan, Kalamazoo) on 7/31/20, for anyone that wants to attend. It will go back to KIS starting next week 8/7/20. Friday Prayer time will be 3:30pm on 7/31/20. […]

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